Tuesday, April 19, 2011



I am working on getting my Company off the ground, it a..... totally much more work than I anticipated! Do this, do that, check this, check that. It would be so much easier if we could be a totally free non bureaucratic society where you just went to one place and everything was done... bing, bang, boom - Kevin J. you're now officially a business! 

AAAAH... what would that cost I wonder? 

Should you know were to find this magical place; on the internets I would hope comment here.   

Oh, and We're looking at the first LABBLive ART (almost real time) Stream to be scheduled around the beginning of May. GOD WILLING! If you live in LA or SoCal and want to be a part of the action please email me to get on the "LABBLiveTribe" list! 

Cheers, Thanks for reading! 

Kevin J. 

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