Monday, May 16, 2011

Fuck shots and hits!

I am with my catch of the 5am booty call "L" from one of those BB hook-up sites. all he wants to do is cum today. {I will and did fulfill my end of the bargain}

That perfect...
Hooking up. It's not as easy as one would think. For those of us that follow our own beat I prescribe this concoction: 1. Trick with a sense of humor and a huge cock! 2. A place where you both can be as loud as you want! 3. Time... its currency. Pay as much attention to the other man as you are paying to your own ass... and stir the pot every 20 minutes change the scene! When everything is good and ready make the tour end with a mutual orgasm for the gods by taking the scene to the streets and hide in plain site... fuck your balls off in the public domain (don't get caught)! When you're done and all your worries melt away may you end your stay with a promise to enjoy your next encounter together please remember to thank those that came before to ensure that you not only enjoy sex with a total hot stranger; but you realize that the word is not top nor is it bottom it can only be REPEAT FUCKERS.

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